Company Ferrari has finished release superpenalty F430
The Italian manufacturer of sports cars Ferrari has finished manufacture of model F430, informs edition La Repubblica. The superpenalty is planned to sell last copy of it on Sunday at special auction in Маранелло, and the obtained means to direct on restoration of region Abrutstsio and its administrative centre Л'Акуилы which have most strongly suffered at the earthquake which has occurred in Italy on the night of April, 6th of this year.

Last copy Ferrari F430 will receive the two-coloured colouring of a body executed according to traditional colours of region Abrutstsio, and also the certificate signed by the president of the Italian company Onions ди Монтедземоло with gratitude for purchase of the car and, accordingly, the donation on restoration of the areas destroyed by earthquake. In the rest this car will differ nothing from standard суперкаров F430.

In September of current year on моторшоу in Frankfurt the successor of model F430 - F450 will be presented. As it was informed earlier, this of superpenalties will receive absolutely other body, new appearance and the eight-cylinder petrol engine in volume of 4,5 litres and capacity of 500 horsepowers which begins to be aggregated with seven-step "robot" with two couplings.

Sales Ferrari F450 in Europe will begin next year.
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