Consequences of world financial crisis have come and to manufacturers of bonus marks. Demand for cars Ferrari has decreased almost six times: from 600 cars traditional (recently) monthly to 92 cars which have been sold for last month. Besides, the management of the Italian mark does not exclude possibility of reduction of 300 employees, and also plans to declare a 20-day Christmas vacation for decrease in volumes of manufacture.

According to the British journalists, demand falling is observed not only on expensive 12-cylinder models Ferrari 612 Scaglietti and Ferrari 599 Fiorano, but also on more or less accessible family F430. And sales of the last have suffered also that soon in the market should there will be new model Ferrari - California, with practical rigid walking all and more traditional переднемоторной configuration.

However management Ferrari yet does not lose optimism. As they said, reduction in demand for sports cars in one markets (for example in Europe and the USA) will allow to redirect a part of quotas to the countries where there is a stable demand for the Italian cars - to China, Russia and others roughly emerging markets. Thereby, as Italians consider, they will manage to keep demand at pre-crisis level both in it, and next year.
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