SPESIFIKASI Mobil Hidrogen Berbentuk Sepatu Roda

Most British people again fever or hydrogen fuel cell cars. Primarily for use in the city. Understandably, the major cities pollution worse. One city in the UK who also introduced the creation of hydrogen cars is the citizens of Leicester. Hydrogen cars are introduced fairly attractive, forms such as roller skates rollerskate.

This car is made by a company in town that specializes in designing and making environmentally friendly vehicles, namely Riversimpel. Although no detailed ruin dimensions sufficient, but the company is releasing its performance.

Cars can be carrying two people (including driver), can be traveling at a maximum speed of 80 km / hr. Once the hydrogen tank, it can be to travel as far as 360 km.

Body made of lightweight composite car that weights only 350 kg. With this addition, fuel consumption - equated with gasoline - which is 78 km / liter. No less interesting, from the engine exhaust gas that comes out is not carbon, but the water droplets. Best of energy used can be updated and have to worry about broke down world oil prices.

Ways in which Leicester City Council with automakers to attract people to use it, rent it for the first stage. Rent, £ 200 or USD 2.7 million per month. Gains derived by a tenant, yes ... the cost of a super-efficient fuel?

The first project between Leicester City Council and Riversimpel, will create 5,000 units hidrogen tiny car. Currently carrying out tests, especially the use in a residential area. Hopefully, this project has been able to run in 2012 in collaboration with the University of De Montfort University of Leicester and to determine the location of hydrogen filling stations.

Especially for the prototype was shown, made in the Silverstone circuit and was introduced on 10 June at the De Montfort Hall Leicester.
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