2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Picture

Chrysler and Daimler accept been afar for about three years, but the two automakers are still actual abundant entwined back it comes to product. The Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger, and Dodge Challenger use a belvedere and several apparatus sourced from Daimler. Chrysler's concise artefact affairs accommodate added Daimler DNA in the the Mercedes-Benz M-Class architectonics that forms the base for the new Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Durango underpinnings.

2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Unfortunately for the Pentastar, Daimler doesn't assume to appetite to comedy genitalia pimp for its above underling, as it is shorting the aggregation of basic apparatus appropriate to abide operations. In August, Chrysler filed clothing adjoin Daimler because the German automaker was denial genitalia like torque converters and council columns. That clothing has reportedly been settled, but now Chrysler alleges that the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee barrage is now in jeopardy. As such, Chrysler has filed a additional clothing to force Daimler to accommodate rear axles and added apparatus in a appropriate fashion, advertence that the aggregation needs the genitalia to body new Grand Cherokee models for testing in beforehand of the vehicle's May launch.

2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Daimler agent Han Tjan reportedly told The Detroit News that his aggregation feels the bearings could be handled alfresco the courts, but Chrysler doesn't assume absorbed to agree. It appears Chrysler is aggravating to barrier its bets by filing suit, as aggregation agent Michael Palese told the News that the aggregation needs the genitalia in the abutting 20 canicule and the aggregation wants Daimler to agree the arrangement to accumulation the parts. Palese added, "Chrysler has too abundant at pale to booty a chance. These are important agent programs at a analytical point in their barrage cycle. We can't allow any delays."

This genitalia action is allotment of a beyond war (so to speak) amid Daimler and Chrysler over agent engines. Daimler wants $80 actor from Chrysler to awning costs the above incurred back Chrysler didn't acquirement as abounding agent engines as accepted from Daimler to account the across market. Daimler wants the $80 actor as a make-good for the absent volume. Chrysler says its contempo defalcation bouncer it in this accurate conflict, adage that the action bound any abiding arrangement disputes, and that its new master, Fiat, isn't on the angle for the money. Ultimately, it boils bottomward to this: Auburn Hills wants the courts to aphorism that all accomplished affairs are still in aftereffect -- ensuring a genitalia accumulation breeze from Daimler for the afflicted new agent programs -- and that the Detroit automaker doesn't owe the Germans any money. If things don't go Chrysler's way, it looks as if activity could get absolutely animal for Fiat's new ward.

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