Volvo sold

The company Volvo, which is currently looking for an investor, able to buy back a large share of the company, will be sold by the end of the year, said State Secretary of Swedish Ministry of Industry, Joeran Haegglund.

But still it remains unclear whether there is a chance at the Chinese companies that have actively participated in the takeover of Swedish companies, Volvo to acquire the property.

Haegglund said and that the Government is working closely with Ford, which is not readily willing to part with the brand name Volvo, unlike that made by General Motors, Saab.

Chinese carmakers, while the only person interested in acquiring the company Volvo, particularly the company Geely, which has been seen as the favorite in the race for the Swedish company. Recently, it was reported that Geely, seem to have made a preliminary proposal for the purchase, which included an amount of two billion dollars. In addition, Chinese carmakers have produced a development plan for the company, if Volvo agrees to the terms of the sale. The plan stated that China will cooperate closely with the engineers of Volvo, when implementing new projects.

But it seems Ford is not going to sell Volvo, and strongly wants to delay the process, at least until such time until GM finally sells Opel. The reason? The company then Ford will be able to offer one of the Volvo failed to buy Opel, thereby avoiding falling into the hands of Chinese investors.
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