Insuring your vehicle can be one of the most costly parts of car ownership. If you have to maintain full coverage insurance the costs can be several thousand dollars a year especially if you are a young male with a couple of tickets on your record. If you have a newer car with a loan on it you will undoubtedly want the most coverage available so that it will be replaced if something happens to it. There are some things you can do to help lower your insurance bill and still maintain good coverage.
One of the things you can do to reduce your insurance rates is find out if membership to any particular organizations may lower your rate. Sometimes there are discounts for members of educational organizations or things like labor unions. Ask your agent if there are organizations you can join to get discounts.
Always shop several insurance companies so that you know they are giving you the best rate possible. I have seen quotes vary by as much as 30% which can save you hundreds if not thousands on your insurance. Use the internet to find several different companies and call them up!
Most companies offer multi car discounts if you insure more than one car with them, the savings can be huge with these discounts. You may also get lower car insurance if you allow them to write your homeowners, health and life insurance. Just placing all of your insurance policies under one roof can lower your bill significantly.
There are special discounts offered for taking driving courses so check those out as well. If you have student to insure there are many companies that offer discounts if they maintain a good grade point average. Other companies offer big discounts to safe drivers if you go for a long time with no accidents.
You should also check the deductibles for coverage. You may find that you have very low deductibles on collision for example that can be raised to lower your insurance premiums. I personally don't think it is necessary to have deductibles as low as $100 on collision especially if you are a safe driver. Raise them to $500 or even $1,000 and it will save you quite a bit on your premium.
Remember that there are significant reductions for safety items like dual airbags and for antitheft devices, particularly if the system disables the ignition so the vehicle cannot be started.
Gregg Hall is an author and internet marketing consultant living in Navarre Florida.
Find more articles about cars and car care products at
One of the things you can do to reduce your insurance rates is find out if membership to any particular organizations may lower your rate. Sometimes there are discounts for members of educational organizations or things like labor unions. Ask your agent if there are organizations you can join to get discounts.
Always shop several insurance companies so that you know they are giving you the best rate possible. I have seen quotes vary by as much as 30% which can save you hundreds if not thousands on your insurance. Use the internet to find several different companies and call them up!
Most companies offer multi car discounts if you insure more than one car with them, the savings can be huge with these discounts. You may also get lower car insurance if you allow them to write your homeowners, health and life insurance. Just placing all of your insurance policies under one roof can lower your bill significantly.
There are special discounts offered for taking driving courses so check those out as well. If you have student to insure there are many companies that offer discounts if they maintain a good grade point average. Other companies offer big discounts to safe drivers if you go for a long time with no accidents.
You should also check the deductibles for coverage. You may find that you have very low deductibles on collision for example that can be raised to lower your insurance premiums. I personally don't think it is necessary to have deductibles as low as $100 on collision especially if you are a safe driver. Raise them to $500 or even $1,000 and it will save you quite a bit on your premium.
Remember that there are significant reductions for safety items like dual airbags and for antitheft devices, particularly if the system disables the ignition so the vehicle cannot be started.
Gregg Hall is an author and internet marketing consultant living in Navarre Florida.
Find more articles about cars and car care products at
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