To say car insurance is on the rise, is a big understatement. It's no wonder American consumers are desperate to find simple ways to decrease their premiums.

Here are 10 tip that can save you money.

1) Maintain a Clean Driving Record - This is really a no brainer. Car insurance companies don't like to see you involved in accidents. If you're involved in any type of accident and you are found at fault, your insurance company will see you as a high risk client and increase your rates to compensate.

2) Increase Your Deductible - This can be as easy as a phone call to your agent. Increasing your deductible from the standard $$250, to even $500 can save you nearly 30 percent on your yearly premiums.

3) Safety First - Insurance companies not only look at you for their premium rates. Your car plays a large role in determining what kind of risk you pose. Statistically, vehicles installed with anti-theft devices, anti-lock brakes, and airbags are cheaper for insurance companies to cover. They pass these savings onto you in the form of cheaper rates. Pretty simple.

4) Consolidate Your Coverage - Most insurance companies have package deals that award steep discounts. Insuring multiple cars, and even your home under the same policy or company can save you hundreds on your yearly premiums.

5) Drive Less - Driving your car less than the average client puts you at less risk, and you are therefore cheaper to cover. Find other options for your daily commute to work, such as subways, trains, buses, or carpooling. With oil and gas prices on the rise, you will save in more ways than your monthly or yearly insurance premium.

6) Drop Comprehensive Coverage On Older Vehicles - Many people own old beaters or trucks that aren't worth the deductible that is covering them. Sign up for a liability-only coverage and you will realize instant savings.

7) Drivers Training Courses Pay Off - Not only will you come out a better and more "defensive" driver, your insurance companies offer large discounts for those graduating a driving training course. This is especially useful for teens who are learning to drive for the first time.

8) Good Grades - Compared to other motorists, teenagers are among the highest paying insurance clients. Most insurance companies realize this and offer discounts to students that can maintain a B average or higher. Check with your agent for more details.

9) Shop Around - With the advent of the world wide web, shopping for the right insurance rate is easier than ever. Getting a quote online is as simple as filling out a short 5 minute form. Don't settle for a high rate, when another car insurance company wants your business and is willing to offer you cheaper premiums.

10) Other Various Discounts - Most insurance companies will offer discounts for various things such as a 3 year accident free record, age 50+, and many others. Ask your agent for their available discounts. You'll be pleasantly surprised if you fall into any of these categories for instant savings! is a website devoted to giving you the best information regarding car insurance. Whether your searching for free online car insurance quotes, or antique auto insurance for your classic, we've got you covered!
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