One of the quickest ways to increase your car insurance rates is to get a speeding ticket. Many people exceed the speed limit every day when they drive and then react as if they had done nothing wrong when pulled over, even accusing the officer of picking on them, as if they were the victim. Most people tend to forget that when they originally received their license, they signed a contract that said that they would not just "try" and obey the traffic laws when convenient, but rather they would obey them 100% of the time. The bottom line though is we all make honest mistakes. So if you do happen to get pulled over for speeding, there are ways to increase the odds of getting off with just a warning rather than an actual ticket. The following are a few tips that may be able to help you when dealing with the prospect of a speeding ticket.
Act UnassumingIt is important when you are dealing with an officer or even a judge that you remember to be humble and unassuming. Whether you are guilty or not, you are the one who is accused of a violation, and acting bold and arrogant may have negative results. It is up to you to act serious and unassuming so you show that you are taking the speeding ticket seriously. If you act flippant as if you were the victim, they may feel like you're just trying to get away with something you did wrong, and you may get slapped with the speeding ticket.
Tell the TruthAnother important tip when trying to beat a speeding ticket is to always tell the truth. No doubt you are thinking about how bad you want to avoid having your car insurance rates go up and getting points against your license, but never let this lead you to telling a lie. More than likely if you twist the truth, the police officer is going to catch on quickly, and it's his word against yours, so stick to truthful statements such as, "I had no idea I was speeding," or "I honestly did not see that sign lowering the speed limit."
Stick to Your StoryIt is important that you always stick to your story when trying to beat a speeding ticket. If one minute you tell them that you forgot the speed limit was 45, and then you tell them that you thought you were only going 45, they are going to see an inconsistency in your story. Keeping your facts straight can help you keep your story straight.
Be CourteousTreating an officer with courtesy is half of the battle, and it may just get you a warning instead of a ticket. Be sure to thank the officer for doing his job, and even if you get a ticket, when you appear in court that courtesy may help you out. Acting disrespectful towards an officer will get you a ticket in a heartbeat, and if you contest the ticket, your disrespectfulness towards an officer will probably ensure that your ticket will be enforced. It's cliche but officers, for the most part, are just doing their jobs. They can have good days and bad days just like the rest of us so consider that when communicating to the officer.
It is possible to get by with only a warning instead of a speeding ticket if you know what you are doing. If nothing else, it will increase your odds of not getting a ticket but the end result is in the hands of the officer and or judge if you contest it. In some cases there may be no way out, but you can always do your best and try. While knowing how to deal with a speeding ticket can be helpful, your job as a licensed driver is to do what's right and have the self-control to follow through on what you promised to do when you received your license. And if you get caught, take responsibility for your actions and don't play the victim card. Staying within the law can keep you out of this precarious situation in the first place and ensure that you don't have to deal with a raise in car insurance rates or points against your license as a result of your driving.
To learn more about how you can save money and greatly reduce your car insurance rates please visit We offer unbiased information on the best ways to get insurance discounts, find out what average car insurance rates are, do company comparisons, and keep you safe and saving money all year long.
Act UnassumingIt is important when you are dealing with an officer or even a judge that you remember to be humble and unassuming. Whether you are guilty or not, you are the one who is accused of a violation, and acting bold and arrogant may have negative results. It is up to you to act serious and unassuming so you show that you are taking the speeding ticket seriously. If you act flippant as if you were the victim, they may feel like you're just trying to get away with something you did wrong, and you may get slapped with the speeding ticket.
Tell the TruthAnother important tip when trying to beat a speeding ticket is to always tell the truth. No doubt you are thinking about how bad you want to avoid having your car insurance rates go up and getting points against your license, but never let this lead you to telling a lie. More than likely if you twist the truth, the police officer is going to catch on quickly, and it's his word against yours, so stick to truthful statements such as, "I had no idea I was speeding," or "I honestly did not see that sign lowering the speed limit."
Stick to Your StoryIt is important that you always stick to your story when trying to beat a speeding ticket. If one minute you tell them that you forgot the speed limit was 45, and then you tell them that you thought you were only going 45, they are going to see an inconsistency in your story. Keeping your facts straight can help you keep your story straight.
Be CourteousTreating an officer with courtesy is half of the battle, and it may just get you a warning instead of a ticket. Be sure to thank the officer for doing his job, and even if you get a ticket, when you appear in court that courtesy may help you out. Acting disrespectful towards an officer will get you a ticket in a heartbeat, and if you contest the ticket, your disrespectfulness towards an officer will probably ensure that your ticket will be enforced. It's cliche but officers, for the most part, are just doing their jobs. They can have good days and bad days just like the rest of us so consider that when communicating to the officer.
It is possible to get by with only a warning instead of a speeding ticket if you know what you are doing. If nothing else, it will increase your odds of not getting a ticket but the end result is in the hands of the officer and or judge if you contest it. In some cases there may be no way out, but you can always do your best and try. While knowing how to deal with a speeding ticket can be helpful, your job as a licensed driver is to do what's right and have the self-control to follow through on what you promised to do when you received your license. And if you get caught, take responsibility for your actions and don't play the victim card. Staying within the law can keep you out of this precarious situation in the first place and ensure that you don't have to deal with a raise in car insurance rates or points against your license as a result of your driving.
To learn more about how you can save money and greatly reduce your car insurance rates please visit We offer unbiased information on the best ways to get insurance discounts, find out what average car insurance rates are, do company comparisons, and keep you safe and saving money all year long.
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