By Louis Rix

If your choice of car is to buy a brand new one then you will have to consider looking at new car loans. The easiest and quickest way of getting quotes to compare is to go with a specialist website and allow them to search with the whole of the marketplace.

Specialists have access to lenders that the individual does not and so are able to get the individual a better deal in the shortest time possible. All that's left to do then is to compare them using the key facts that are supplied with quotes. News cars depreciate as soon as they are driven off the forecourt so you have to bear this in mind, but new car loans are one of the best ways of borrowing to finance your brand new purchase.
Car loans taken out to buy a new car are usually secured loans. As the individual will be paying out thousands of pounds they will be able to spread the cost of the loan out over a longer period than with an unsecured loan. Of course you will have to put up something of substantial value against the borrowing and this is usually your property. This will remain at risk of repossession until you have repaid the loan in full, with this in mind it is essential that you ensure you can keep the repayments up over the term. Some thought should be given to how you would continue repaying if your circumstances were to change and you lost your income.
While you can spread out the cost of the car loan with a secured loan over many years, you will accumulate more interest on the loan. Therefore you should make good use of the loan calculator that a specialist website will supply. This will allow you to work out how long to take the loan over and what the repayments would be and also how much the loan would cost in total.

The secured loan is also one way of those with a poor credit rating being allowed credit for a new car. Your credit rating is the first thing that all lenders look at and when applying for car loans you could find yourself being turned down if it is not up to the mark. With a secured loan there is more flexibility when it comes to your credit rating. However those with extremely low credit ratings might have to consider a poor credit loan.

Those who have an excellent credit rating and who are buying a new car but can afford to pay back over a shorter term could consider looking at unsecured new car loans. However your credit rating must be excellent and you must be able to prove your ability to repay the loan. Again a specialist website will be able to gather together the cheapest possible deals and sometimes you can take advantage of a 0% interest free for a period of time.
However, do be aware that the interest rate can then jump up enormously in comparison to those rates of the secured loans. Whichever option you choose to take never be tempted to take the finance that the dealership will offer in almost all cases this is not the cheapest rates of interest or the best deal on the loan you would be able to get.

Louis Rix is a Director of NetCars, one of the UK's leading motoring websites. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the number one site for used car searches. NetCars provide NetCars provide Guaranteed Car Finance.
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